Regional Compact - Sorriso

PCI Pact Sorriso
Sorriso is a municipality located in the Central Region of Mato Grosso, with a total area of 9,345.755 km² and a population of 92,769 inhabitants. The Sorriso Regional Pact operates as part of the IDH Regional Pacts program and is aligned with the PCI strategy. The main production systems in the region are soybean, corn, cotton, timber, and aquaculture.

PCI Goals
Among the goals of the Regional Pact aligned with the PCI strategy are:

- Increase corn ethanol production and accelerate the use of by-products in regional development.
- Increase solar energy to 10 MWh by 2024.
- Increase the certified RTRS soybean area by 150,000 hectares by 2024.
- Increase the planted forest area by 50,000 hectares by 2024.
- Promote increased poultry production and chicken meat production in the region.
- Increase pork production by 40% by 2024 and promote pork meat production in the region.
- Double fish production by 2024 and promote fish production in the region.

- Eliminate illegal deforestation by 2024.
- Qualify 100% of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) for validation by SEMA-MT by 2019.
- Register 100% of rural properties with the Rural Environmental Registry (SIMCAR) by 2019.
- Restore 100% of Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) by 2024.
- Support the fish production chain in the environmental licensing and regularization process.

- Increase access to rural technical assistance and extension services (ATER) for 290 family farmers by 2024.
- Regularize 100% of family farming plots by 2024.
- Increase milk production by 50% by 2024.
- Increase honey production by 50% by 2024.
- Increase fruit production by 100% by 2024.
- Increase horticulture production by 50% by 2024.

PCI Regionalization
In 2019, through the Municipality of Sorriso along with PCI and private sector trade associations, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed Memorandum of Understanding, aiming to establish cooperation and make the necessary efforts to promote sustainable economic development through the PCI strategy in the Municipality of Sorriso. The agreement is for five years and is scheduled to last until 2024.