
The goals of the PCI strategy in numbers for monitoring and evaluating progress towards established targets
The PCI Objectives

The PCI strategy is based on a broad set of goals divided into three axes: Produce, Conserve, and Include, which bring concreteness to its objectives and enable their monitoring. The PCI Monitoring Committee was formed in early 2017 with the aim of assessing progress towards these goals, as well as providing input for the refinement and improvement of actions and ensuring transparency and credibility of the strategy to partners, investors, and society.

Committee members
Diversas instituições tem participado e contribuído com o Comitê de Monitoramento da PCI, entre elas o ICV, EII, IDH, Agroícone, WRI e GIZ. Caso sua instituição tenha interesse em participar deste Comitê, informe seu interesse pelo email
PCI Actions
Balance of Goals