Regional Compact - Vale do Juruena
Among the goals of the Vale do Juruena Regional Pact aligned with the PCI strategy are:
In the municipality of Juruena
- Restore 61,296 hectares of degraded pasture by 2023.
- Increase livestock production by 20% by 2023.
- Expand the grain area by 3,000 hectares on degraded pastures by 2023.
- Double grain (soybean/rice/corn) production by 2023.
- Increase the areas under forest management plans by 10% by 2023.
- Maintain 60% vegetation cover in compliance with the Forest Code.
- Eliminate illegal deforestation by 2020.
- Register 100% of rural properties with the Rural Environmental Registry (SIMCAR) by 2019.
- Validate 80% of the Rural Environmental Registers (CARs) by 2020.
- Increase ATER services for 660 families by 2020;
- Regularize 80% of rural properties by 2023;
- Increase milk production by 50% by 2023;
- Increase coffee production by 500% by 2023;
- Increase cocoa production by 1000% by 2023;
- Increase annatto production by 1000% by 2023;
- Increase pupunha production by 100% by 2023;
- Increase Brazil nut production by 100% by 2023;
- Increase banana production by 100% by 2023.
- Restore 121,608 hectares of degraded pastures by 2023.
- Increase meat production by 20% by 2023.
- Increase grain and degraded pasture areas by 2,000 hectares by 2023.
- Increase grain (soybean/rice/corn) production by 150% by 2020.
- Increase sustainable forest management plan areas by 10% by 2023.
- Maintain 78% vegetation cover in compliance with the Forest Code.
- End illegal deforestation by 2023.
- Register 100% of properties in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) by 2019.
- Validate 100% of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) by 2020.
- Increase ATER services for 3,000 families by 2023.
- Regularize 100% of family farming plots by 2023.
- Increase milk production by 10% by 2023;
- Increase coffee production by 300% by 2023;
- Increase cocoa production by 1000% by 2023;
- Increase annatto production by 300% by 2023;
- Increase Brazil nut production by 30% by 2023;
In 2018, through the municipalities of Juruena and Cotriguaçu, together with PCI and private sector entities, agreements were signed... Memorandum of Understanding Juruena and the Memorandum of Understanding Cotriguaçu, aimed at establishing cooperation and making necessary efforts to promote sustainable economic development through the PCI strategy in the region. The agreement is for five years and is expected to last until 2023.
See also: Addendnum Juruena and Addendum Cotriguaçu.
The Pact has 12 signatories from the public sector (state and municipal), private sector, civil society, and producers. The complete list of signatories can be found at: [link]