Nos dias 21, 22 e 23 de maio, o Instituto...
Read moreProduce, Conserve and Include

PCI Strategy

The PCI Institute

The biggest global effort
to mitigate climate change
ever devised
by a subnational state
In December 2015, during the Climate Convention in Paris (COP 21), the Government of Mato Grosso launched the Produce, Conserve and Include (PCI) Strategy.
The PCI was built to raise financial resources for the State of Mato Grosso to support the expansion and increase in the efficiency of agricultural and timber production, the conservation of native vegetation, and the restoration of environmental liabilities in line with the Brazilian Forest Code Law.
It also aims to foster family farming and traditional communities, while reducing GHG emissions and enabling carbon sequestration, by controlling deforestation and developing a low-carbon economy.

The goals
They directly contribute to Brazil's NDC in the Paris Agreement and to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs.
If achieved, the goals represent:

Government launches Institute
Produce, Conserve and Include

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