Corporate Engagement

Opportunity for companies to connect with the PCI
PCI Engagement
Corporate Engagement
With the goal of enhancing companies' understanding of private sector engagement opportunities, the PCI Institute, supported by the Iseal Alliance, developed the PCI Strategy Corporate Engagement Guide in 2022. The goal of the guide is:
  • To introduce companies to the different categories of engagement in the PCI Strategy, their roles and responsibilities, and the opportunities and advantages involved.
  • Clarify and assist in how companies communicate their connection and involvement within the PCI Strategy, mobilizing greater engagement and adherence from other companies to strengthen the Strategy.
Why adhere to the PCI Strategy?
For private companies operating in the state of Mato Grosso, the PCI Strategy can provide a wide range of opportunities, such as:
Progress towards sustainable corporate goals
Many companies have goals to eliminate deforestation from their supply chains. The conservation axis aligns well with companies' sustainability commitments due to its goals of eliminating illegal deforestation, reducing deforestation in the Cerrado and Amazon, and encouraging the conservation of forest assets.
Incentive for the expansion of sustainable production
Companies need to expand deforestation-free production. The PCI aims to expand cattle ranching production. This will allow for the reduction of risks for companies buying commodities from Mato Grosso.
Robust and transparent monitoring
The PCI Monitoring Committee has been annually monitoring 38 indicators of 24 PCI goals since 2015 through the PCI Goals Balance. This transparency allows companies to understand supply chain risks and provides assurance of positive impact from investments made in the PCI.
Reduction of deforestation risks in Mato Grosso
Due to the complexity of multinational companies' supply chains, these companies face an increasing challenge in monitoring deforestation risks in their sourcing regions. The PCI offers a low-risk environment through corporate engagement combined with public policies aligned with PCI goals.
Progress towards climate goals
The PCI is the largest emissions reduction strategy ever devised by a subnational state with the potential to mitigate 6Gt of emissions by 2030. Corporate engagement in the PCI can help companies in this trajectory, as well as provide other benefits such as social impact in family farming.
Proof of concept of a new jurisdictional leadership model
Mato Grosso is an ideal location to test a jurisdictional approach concept. The region is the second state to have a state REDD+ law (Law No. 9878/2013) and receives financing from the REM Early Movers Program. It has a climate change law (Law No. 582/2017) as well as a commitment to carbon neutrality by 2030. The PCI strategy, in turn, is established under Decree No. 26/2019.
PCI Strategy

What are the current categories of corporate engagement in the PCI Strategy?

More details can be found in the Engagement Guide below:

Corporate Engagement

Potential Category: Leader

Potential Category: Supporter

Potential Category: Multiplier

Note: "With gaps" refers to analyzed companies that partially meet the category requirements.

How to become part of the PCI

How to join the CoAG?
Companies can join the Corporate Action Group by invitation or by expressing their interest by contacting PCI or TFA. Participation in the Group does not imply any commitment, but companies are asked to participate in the online meetings that will be scheduled in advance. By participating in the Corporate Action Group, companies will have
  • Privileged updates on the progress of the PCI Strategy in Mato Grosso;
  • A way to demonstrate leadership in engaging with jurisdictional approaches as a means to address global challenges of sustainable production;
  • A platform to share the corporate perspective on engaging in the PCI and to inform its strategic direction;
  • A gateway to connect with local initiatives and projects, through which business relationships can be developed, or
  • The opportunity to discuss specific solutions that align corporate sustainability strategy with Mato Grosso's strategy;

Starting in 2021, the Corporate Action Group is coordinated by TFA in partnership with the PCI Institute.

Corporate Action Group

In September 2018, PCI launched the Corporate Action Group (CoAG) to provide an opportunity for companies to connect with PCI and learn about local projects and potential corporate activities that could support the state strategy of Mato Grosso. We also unveiled the PCI Pitchbook at the Tropical Forest Alliance meeting in Bogotá, Colombia, in May 2019. In 2020, CoAG was integrated into the PCI Investment Committee, which is responsible for organizing and coordinating public and private sector engagement in PCI's new governance structure, including potential investments such as international funds, carbon markets, REDD+ Early Movers, and World Bank investments.

By participating in CoAG, companies will benefit from learning and exploring engagement opportunities for sustainable commodity supply in Mato Grosso. We will also provide connections for companies with responsible producers and/or promising regional and local projects to facilitate local partnerships that can expand best practices and support companies in achieving sustainability goals.