
With adequate support and investments, PCI's strategy can achieve 6 GtCO2 of emissions reductions and removals by 2030.

PCI Institute, through its Investment Committee, aims to facilitate the attraction of resources aimed at leveraging the goals of the Strategy in Mato Grosso.
Estimates made by partners around mid-2016 indicate a need for resources between R$ 30 billion to R$ 50 billion, including operational costs, investments, and technical assistance, for the full implementation of the PCI strategy by 2030.
Since its inception, the state of Mato Grosso has managed to secure a range of partnerships and projects supporting the Strategy. Additionally, PCI itself has developed a series of actions aimed at connecting investors, buyers, companies, and partners to the territory.
The establishment of PCI Institute, conceived as a managerial and financial instrument capable of attracting resources for programs and projects of the Strategy, will further enhance Mato Grosso's ability to attract investments aimed at sustainable land use.

Committee members

Several institutions have participated and contributed to the PCI Investment Committee, including IDH, TNC, JBS, Agroícone, Casa Civil, ONF, EII, TNC and GIZ.

If your institution is interested in participating in this Committee, please reach out by email to:

Actions in progress
Plataforma Pitchbook

Following the publication of the Pitchbook in 2022, the PCI Institute has developed an online platform in 2023 to ensure that all the initiatives in the PCI Pitchbook are updated on an annual basis. The platform is publicly available in the PCI website. Users are welcome to reach out to PCI team directly to ask for new initiatives to be uploaded all year-round. The platform will enable scalability and continuous updating of initiatives, as well as connection with companies, buyers, and investors.

PCI Engagement Guide
At the end of 2021, an Engagement Guide was created for companies interested in becoming part of the PCI. Following this work, the PCI Institute is conducting analyses of the companies participating in the PCI to classify each company according to the engagement categories defined by the PCI Engagement Guide.
Electronic platform for initiatives
Following the publication of the Pitchbook in 2019, PCI intends to develop an online platform in 2021 to gather a larger number of initiatives in the state of Mato Grosso aligned with PCI. The platform will be online and publicly accessible, with the possibility for registered users to self-upload their initiatives, pending approval by the PCI team. This will enable scalability and continuous updating of initiatives, as well as connection with companies, buyers, and investors.
Electronic platform for initiatives
Initiated by the Environmental Defense Fund and the Instituto Centro de Vida, and supported by the State Secretariat for the Environment, a workshop was held in December 2019 on new opportunities for financing forest conservation and low-carbon agriculture in Mato Grosso through REDD+ and the carbon market. In February 2020, a new workshop with the participation of companies and PCI stakeholders continued the discussions on opportunities in the carbon market. In 2021, as part of the PCI Institute's Investment Action Plan, it was decided to support the state of Mato Grosso in building a strategy that allows the Institute to assist the state in defining its policy and seizing different opportunities in the carbon market.